The Light Watkins Show

163: The Magic of Surrender Author Kute Blackson on the Power of Deep Inner Listening in Order to Find the Courage to Let Go

Light Watkins

We all have an inner truth that every so often nudges us into directions, whether we are aware of it, or not. We may find, however, that we do not necessarily often listen to or follow those inner nudgings, but as we dive into the story from today’s episode, we see how powerful it can be to trust life and see where it takes you. 

In our conversation today, we welcome back Kute Blackson. Kute is a transformational teacher, a sought-after inspirational speaker, and the bestselling author of two books, The Magic of Surrender and You Are The One. Born in Ghana, he had a multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father. 

At the age of 18, Kute left everything he knew behind and followed an inner nudging that sparked a cascade of events leading him to become a spiritual legend. As you tune in to this episode of the Light Watkins Show, you’ll join us on a journey as we talk about the anatomy of a leap of faith, how to follow your heart and inner nudgings, and practical steps and advice about how to start listening to your deeper inner truth and ultimately discover your purpose. 

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“KB: I show up man, trembling, trembling, and I see a bunch of kids on the soccer field, I’ll never forget this day and I’m hiding behind a tree and I see, there’s Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw watching their adopted kid play soccer. I’m like, ‘Do I go now, do I not go now?’ Thank God my intuition said, ‘Just wait.’ So I’m hiding behind a tree for like an hour. I see this whole group of people, parents, you know with their kids coming.

I mean, this is parents with kids, this is protective stuff. And they were all walking, I don’t know what possessed me, man, but I just jumped out of the tree and I stood in front of Spielberg. You know, when you’re young and the innocent and you don’t know better, you know? And there I am in front of Spielberg, everybody went black throws and I start just start pitching Steven Spielberg. 

‘Mr. Spielberg, you know, I’m like you when you were 21, I want to change the world’ I’m just giving him my pitch and he’s frozen. He softened when he saw his wife smile and she realized I was an innocent kid who had a vision and then he said, ‘Okay, calm down, tell me what you have’ and I pitched him. I gave everything to him, I’m trembling, meanwhile, full of nerves and he says, ‘Okay, let me look at it.’”


[0:01:15.9] LW: Hello friends and welcome back to The Light Watkins Show, where I interview ordinary folks just like you and me who have taken extraordinary leaps of faith in the direction of their path, their purpose, or what they’ve identified with as their mission and in doing so, they’ve been able to positively impact and inspire the lives of many other people who’ve either heard about their story or who’ve witnessed them in action, or people who directly benefited from their work and this week on the show, I am back in conversation with Mr. Kute Blackson. 

As you may remember, I interviewed Kute way, way, way back, it was episode number 75. Kute is a transformational teacher, he is a sought-after inspirational speaker, he is the bestselling author of two books, The Magic of Surrender and You Are The One. He was born in Ghana; he had a multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father, which span four different continents and he spent his childhood doing very normal things and also, being exposed to extraordinary miracles. 

Later on, he ended up in the United States as a result of a lottery that he won and that was one of his first really big leaps of faith, and in this conversation, we talk about the anatomy of a leap of faith and how to follow your heart, and how to discover your purpose. We talk about getting out of your own way and how to circumnavigate your own blind spots and I tried to approach this conversation from the perspective of someone who is spiritually curious but still, you have a regular life. 

You have maybe a nine-to-five job or you have a family and you don’t really have a whole lot of time to be thinking about, “Oh, it’s destiny real or it’s freewill, what’s happening?” or you know, these kinds of concepts that are a little bit more esoteric in nature. So I wanted to unpack that with Kute and use his life story as sort of a frame for talking about some of these concepts and I think you’re really going to appreciate his perspective and how he was able to navigate his life in finding his path and his purpose and he told a couple of really funny stories involving that and yeah, he’s just a really all-around cool person. 

Kute also facilitates these experiences called Boundless Bliss Bali where he invites people to join him in Bali and he strips away everything that they normally rely on and identify with as a part of who they are and he sees what comes through, what emerges, who emerges and it’s been a very powerful experience that he’s facilitated for many years now. This is his 20th one coming up and that’s happening this summer and there’s another one happening in the fall in which he talks about that at the end of the interview.

So I think you’re really going to love this episode and without further ado, let us get into it. Here is my conversation with Mr. Kute Blackson.


[0:04:45.0] LW: Kute Blackson, welcome back to my show. So good to have you and to see you.

[0:04:50.3] KB: I’m honored to be back, I’m honored.

[0:04:52.9] LW: So the last time, which was your first time on this show, we went really, really, really, really deep into your backstory, your superhero origin story, which I like to do, and kind of got up to speed to where we are today. You got a couple of books out, you got some programs that you do, you take people to places around the world and do really interesting things with them.

I thought maybe we could unpack a little bit of that today and also, just talk a little bit about everyone’s favorite subject, which is relationships because you get on your socials and you post these clips of your expounding upon the spiritual perspective on soul mates and just every topic under the sun when it comes to relationships and you’ve had your own interesting journey, which I don’t know if you’re interested in talking about like how you found your current partner. 

But I’d like to maybe talk a little bit about that too but before we do all that, there’s a link to the first episode in the show notes but give us just a little, even people who listened to that first episode, just give us a little refresher on who you are and how you got to be this spiritual legend that you are today?

[0:06:04.8] KB: Wow. In a nutshell, born in Ghana West Africa, my father was from Ghana, and my mother’s Japanese, grew up in London, and lived in the US from everywhere and nowhere, which was a blessing in and of itself, where I felt like I didn’t really identify with any particular nationality, which also on one level, created the sense of not feeling at home but also on another level, feeling connected to everyone and so was a strange duality. 

Like, I didn’t feel like I fit in but I felt like I fit in everywhere and so, my childhood was a bit unusual, although, I didn’t know it, it was unusual at the time. I just thought that everyone had my childhood in that I grew up around a lot of miracles, you know? Blind people seeing, deaf people hearing, people standing up out of wheelchairs, and the blessing was that I didn’t think it was very unusual. 

I thought everyone had this experience and so the normalness of that, like brush your teeth, take a shit, you know have some breakfast, go to school, miracle, a blind person was able to see and someone stood up out of a wheelchair, was just every day. It was every day and I didn’t think anything of it until I went to school and began talking about this experience to my schoolmates and my teachers and they thought I was a bit crazy.

The first memory I had, I was lost in the crowd and a crippled woman basically is crawling on the floor, she picks up the gravel that this man walks and wipes it on her face, and stands up, and so, week after week I grew up seeing this. This man was my father who was this healer, a miracle worker, who built 300 churches. So I grew up in this spiritual context and began speaking at age eight in my father’s churches.

At age 14, was ordained, designated the successor to take over my father’s spiritual organization, and at 18, renounced everything, left everything behind, and gave everything up, which was very difficult. My father and I didn’t speak for a few years but I felt as though my soul was calling me to a different path. My soul was calling me to the US, my soul was calling me to Los Angeles.

I wanted to go into the foot of personal growth and spirituality because I would sneak into my father’s bookshelf and how I got that idea was I would read all these self-help books of you know, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Neville Goddard, Reverend Ike and all these people. I thought, “Wow, there’s a whole new way of inspiring and impacting people that’s not through religion and the church” and so sometimes what your soul nudges you and guides you to do. It doesn’t always make sense, it isn’t always convenient, isn’t always comfortable, and I felt that nudging that was so strong and that is what I chose to follow and left everything behind. Man, everything I knew, everything I thought was – ended up winning a green card in the green card lottery that brought me to the US and I began my journey here and went and found teachers and mentors and authors and ended up in India and that blew my mind and heart open to another dimension of life and existence and my sense of purpose.

And that’s when I came back again into the US and began 20-some years ago coaching people, one-on-one, no idea what I was doing but I began coaching and one person came, another person came, then I kind of devised a way of working with people that I called on coaching and that evolved and people started coming organically from around the world and it just, organically grew. 

I didn’t care about business, I didn’t care about money, I didn’t care about – this is before social media, I didn’t care about anything other than I just wanted to help people and make a difference in people’s lives and they just evolved from there. So that’s the short version, bro.

[0:09:38.9] LW: You also wanted to have your own talk show, you thought that that was a part of your mission and – 

[0:09:43.8] KB: It wasn’t wanted, I was – I got to the point where I was obsessed.

[0:09:48.5] LW: Share your Steven Spielberg, I think that’s a good story, one story to share from the previous episode, for this episode because it’s such a good story. I’ve actually told that story in my own lectures because it’s such a great story but yeah, share it.

[0:09:59.4] KB: Wow, yeah. I was really obsessed. I came to Los Angeles without any agenda, I had no idea about Hollywood. I was so innocent and green that I didn’t know this Hollywood thing was here and when I came here, I started seeing like Oprah and TV and Ricki Lake and Montel Williams and I started watching these TV shows that I didn’t watch before. 

I got this vision that, “Wow, I want to be the next Oprah for the new generation” and have a TV show that is inspiring but mainstream at the same time and so I began pitching everybody in Hollywood that I knew and I didn’t know anyone in Hollywood. So I started to literally track down people. I started tracking down agents at CAA William Morris, ICM. 

Tracking down producers outside of their offices, doorsteps, outside of Yoga studios, and I got this idea one day as I read Steven Spielberg’s book. So I had, basically a TV show, talk show concept, a Kinkos printed press kit, a handwritten letter and I would write all of these mogul’s letters and so I read Steven Spielberg’s book and I thought, “This guy is a visionary” you know?

And he does things differently and he just was launching DreamWorks and I thought, “I think this guy would take a chance on me, you know?” and I didn’t know him obviously. So I asked somebody who knew a producer and the guy said, “Hell no, I can’t introduce you, that’s my reputation on the line.” 

Like Spielberg is a God but he said, “Look, I feel for you, young kid” I was about 21 at the time. “You got something, you got something,” He said, “I have a friend who his kid plays soccer with Spielberg’s kid. Call him up, he might point you in the direction.” I called this guy up, Don, I won’t say his last name. 

I said, “Hey Don, this is Kute, I got this vision, I want to change the world, you know, impact the world, impact against the people, talk show, talk show, talk show.” I had my whole spiel down. I’ve been rejected so many times. I mean, sometimes people say they’ve been rejected. They’re like, “Oh, right, I’ve tried everything” I mean, I tried everything. 

I mean, I knocked on doors, I was kicked out of studios. So at this point, I’m basically homeless, you know, not by choice but by default, I was homeless, had no money, pursuing this dream. Put everything into it and so, I tell Don like, “This is my vision, I’m homeless but I know this is going to happen” and I say, “Can you introduce me to Steven because I know your son plays soccer with him with his kid.” 

And he said, “I can’t do that, that’s impossible. You know, this is Steven Spielberg” and I just gave him my wrap and I pulled his heartstrings and I said, “I have this vision, I want to impact. I know, look, Steven was a guy who jumped over fences, you know, of studios and camped outside of studios and I came up with Sidney Sheinberg and all these people that gave him a shot. I need a shot too and I promise you I’ll make you look amazing.”

I think he felt sorry for me and finally he said, “Well, I do play. You know the soccer match is in Brentwood, do you know, by a post office but you didn’t hear it from me” and I said, “By which post office?” “Well, there’s only one real post office, the main post office in Brentwood and you know, I don’t know, maybe you just stroll over there” and the next Saturday, I went with a suit, my press kit, ready to pitch Steven Spielberg. 

This is craziness. No one was there, he wasn’t there. Next week, I came back with my suit, a letter. The letter starts, “Dear Mr. Spielberg, I want you to launch a revolution. I’m going to bring you a multi-billion dollar talk show that’s going to change the world. Help me help you” this basically was the beginning of this letter.

[0:13:38.2] LW: Help me, help you.

[0:13:39.9] KB: I just watched Jerry McGuire and he said, “Help me help you” and I wrote a four-page letter, right? I show up man, trembling, trembling, and I see a bunch of kids on the soccer field. I’ll never forget this day and I’m hiding behind a tree and I see there’s Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw watching their adopted kid played soccer. I’m like, “Do I go now, do I not go now?” Thank God my intuition said, “Just wait.” 

So I’m hiding behind a tree for like an hour. I see this whole group of people, parents with their kids coming. I mean, this is parents with kids. This is protective stuff and they were all walking. I don’t know what possessed me, man, but I just jumped out of the tree and I stood in front of Spielberg. You know, when you’re young and innocent and you don’t know better, you know? And there I am in front of Spielberg, everybody went black throws and I start just start pitching Steven Spielberg. 

“Mr. Spielberg I’m like you when you were 21, I want to change the world” I’m just giving him my pitch and he’s frozen. He softened when he saw his wife smile and she realized I was an innocent kid who had a vision and then he said, “Okay, calm down, tell me what you have” and I pitched him, I gave everything to him, I’m trembling, meanwhile, full of nerves and he says, “Okay, let me look at it.” 

And I said, “Don’t forget me” He’s like, “Okay kiddo, don’t worry.” That was a Saturday on Monday. I’ll never forget this. I get a phone call from his office. His assistant, this is Mr. Spielberg’s assistant, Mr. Spielberg’s assistant says “Yeah, you’re going to get a phone call from somebody.” I get a phone call a few hours later from ABC, Buenavista Television. 

They had done a bunch of talk shows and this woman calls me up and she says, “I don’t know exactly what happened over the weekend but I got a phone call from Steven Spielberg which is a bit unusual and he was raving about this young kid that he met in a park and they don’t do talk shows at DreamWorks but he said, “You have to take a look at this guy” and when I get a phone call from Spielberg, then we have to listen.”

And so I went into pitch Buenavista TV this talk show idea, and obviously, I was kind of laughed at by them, you know? But what was interesting, just to kind of wrap that story, I was so touched by Spielberg, you know? But months later, I tracked down these managers, these managers who managed Michael Jackson, Maria Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Leonardo DiCaprio, Backstreet Boys, Martin Lawrence, Dolly Parton, and I’m like, “These guys can help me.”

I wrote them a letter, they call me in. I pitched to them, do my spiel, fully expecting to get rejected and these two guys look at each other and they’re like, “We believe you. We’re going to make you a star” and they look at each other and they’re nodding and the like, “We’re going to make you a star, we’re going to take you to FOX, we’re going to do this, do this” and they started outlining this entire plan and they gave me a letter, a contract, and they said, “Come back tomorrow.” This is after I’ve been rejected like 4,000 times. “Come back tomorrow.” I go home, even like this like I have this clever idea to meditate on it and I go into meditation and as I sit with it, all I feel in my body is no. Like, “No. Don’t sign with these people.” 

It was the same intelligence that guided me to leave my father, the same intelligence that guided me to apply for my green card. The same intelligence that had been guiding me, it was the same thing that said, “Do not sign with these people.” My mind was telling me, “But these guys can legitimately make you into a freaking star.” “No” So I listened and that set me into a funk. That set me into a real depression because I felt like my ego felt caged by the deeper guidance of my soul and I want to do this but my soul is guiding me and I just knew. When I don’t listen to my soul, things don’t turn out well and I’d listen to it and I was so frustrated and that’s when I threw my arms up. I said, “God, I don’t know what the hell you want with me and my life but I have tried everything, everything in my human power to manifest the goal and the dream that I think is what I’m here to do, which is this TV Show. I’ve come to the end of my ego’s capacity to make it happen, I give up.”

And that’s when I was guided to travel, to walk to Camino, to go to Thailand, ended up in India and I basically said, “I’m going to shave my head, put everything in storage, not come back until I find certain answers for myself and I will not come back to the US until I know why I’m here, and my purpose and like what the next steps are and the purpose of my life, I’m not coming back to America.”

That’s what changed my life, that’s what changed the trajectory of my entire destiny, and I think back now, and I realized bro, that sometimes not getting what you want is grace. Sometimes we have to thank God for the prayers that weren’t answered because had I got the show, the truth is that I wasn’t ready. The truth is I wasn’t ripened. The truth is I was a kid that was not developed and so many young kids get washed up in this sort of entertainment system and probably the same would have happened and who knows what would have happened?

And it was not going down a path that led me to work on myself and heal and go so deep into the inner domain of my own interior healing and connecting and spirituality that I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing today and over the last years had I not taken that path, you know? And so, it’s just grace man, just grace.

[0:19:46.3] LW: When you did your travels, what came through you in terms of your purpose and what you're here to do?

[0:19:52.9] KB: I was wandering around, really like I walked to Camino and just praying for a month. The Camino was a 900-kilometer trek in northern Spain. It starts on the south of the Pyrenees. I mean, part of it starts before but I started at the official point, which is the south of the Pyrenees and you walk straight up a mountain, which is like hell, into a forest, down into Spain, and then you walk across Northern Spain and you stay in – 

I mean, if you really do it right, you stay in monasteries or churches on the floor. It’s the way of the pilgrims, you know? Dante, Chosa, St. Francis of Assisi, and Shirley McLane popularized it. It’s a 900-kilometer trek that is on a lay line and it’s just a vortex line. Places like Sedona and Machu Pichu but when a human being comes in contact with these lay lines, it has an energetic effect in your nervous system of purification and activation and so the whole walk is on the lay line. 

So it has a vibrational spiritual healing effect to bring stuff up, to bring up unresolved issues and cleansing and purging and it’s a powerful walk that makes you kind of face yourself and find yourself and walking 13, 14, 15 hours a day on this energy line vortex definitely stir some things and so I did that and that’s how I ended up in India because someone there said, “Go to India” and when I got to India, I hated it. When I got to India, I was like, “Screw this shit, there’s nothing spiritual about this place, there’s shit everywhere, cows everywhere, flies everywhere, dirt everywhere. Like I’m out.” You know, I had this idea of India being incense flowing and you know, nice music. It was cars, traffic, chaos, and somehow, India, in her innate intelligence, knew how to find those places inside of me that were holding on.

And my ego was holding on to a sense of kindness and meanness and control and India shredded me man, and I remember walking and praying and screaming at God and cursing God out and just must have searched out 300 enlightened gurus in the first few months just trying to find answers, you know? And one day I got to the point where I said, I was on the banks of the Ganges.

I’d run in Rishikesh every morning, I would run Lakshman Jhula, jump into the Ganges as an after run, post-run dip, and I would sit in a cave with a monk, a Hindu monk, and we would talk about life and I’d ask questions but one day I said, “God, I don’t know what you want from me because the life I thought I was here to live, this TV idea that I was so sure about is not happening.”

And so, basically, I give up and I said, “I don’t know what you want but I completely give up any idea of what I think I’m here to do and if my purpose, if what I’m here to do is to clear the streets and be a janitor, if I’m here to do whatever that is, like just show me. I have no idea anymore” and I don’t know man, it was like, ambition, in a certain way, dropped away. A certain ambition dissolved and I just let go and slowly, through certain experiences that occurred over those months, I started to get a sense. 

It wasn’t like this crystal clear, “This is what you’re here to do” but as I went through certain inner experiences and realizations, there was just a profound sense of the undeniable oneness of existence and the undeniable oneness of what we are and from that sense of realization of the oneness of what we are, there was a sense of love that I hadn’t experienced before for humanity and that was interesting.

Because I’m like, “Wow, I feel like I love people in a whole different way” and I began to feel very free. I had not – you know, I had very little money, no girlfriend, no nothing, and I felt free and so there was a natural impulse that wasn’t crystalized with my mental logic. A natural impulse and desire to be of service in some way. A natural overflow of like it was beyond me, you know, and I didn’t know what form that would take. 

Like, I came back to the US completely broke and I felt happy, and I felt at peace and what happened was friends would kind of show up and say, “Why are you so happy? Why are you so at peace? What’s the deal?” and we would just chat, we would just talk and so I didn’t know the specific unfolding of my purpose but there was a sense that it was here to be of service in some way and I didn’t know it was coaching. I didn’t know it was helping people evolve but there was a deep impulse to like, my life wasn’t my life and my life was really here to be in service to help people remember what I had begun to remember about the truth of who I am and it just started slowly happening.

[0:25:40.4] LW: You’ve never really had a “real job”, you never worked in an office, you never worked at a restaurant, anything like that, you just kind of have always navigated these spiritual spaces and – 

[0:25:53.3] KB: You know, when I came to the US I washed dishes. When I came to the US in the beginning, I remember doing car sales on the weekends.

[0:26:03.5] LW: Oh really, you worked at a car lot?

[0:26:05.7] KB: In a car lot. It’s called a tent sale and you go out to a big park and they sell cars out of a tent and it was hard, man. Let’s just say that. For me, it was hard because there was a deep set and this was before I went to India, there was a deep sense that this is not what I’m here to do.

[0:26:26.1] LW: Yeah, you’re supposed to be on TV, you’re not supposed to be here selling cars.

[0:26:29.5] KB: I’m supposed to be on TV or doing something else. Yeah, I mean, I worked odd jobs here and there, just hustling, trying to make money, doing a bit of this, helping friends out, you know, running errands, just doing things but I had actually never worked in an office, or an accountant, doing a specific thing, maybe sold something for a month, did something for a month here but not as a career, yeah.

[0:26:58.8] LW: So your trip to the US was a leap of faith and then you said you were like homeless and then you going to India or walking the trail first, all of those were like different leaps of faith. How did you develop the inner confidence to listen to those nudging and to take action in the direction of – well, I guess you didn’t know how it was going to turn out.

[0:27:26.3] KB: I had no idea. You know, I followed – if anything, I would love to be able to say it was some great thing but I think more than anything, it was just simply following the clues. It was just following the clues and what I’ve done my whole life to maybe greater degrees now is endeavoring to follow the clues and allowed life to lead me.

And so as an example, when I had the conversation with my father and I told him, “I’m not taking over your churches” I was terrified and he said, “Okay” and I’m thinking to myself, “Okay, now what the hell do I do because I don’t know anyone in America, I had no university degree, I have no money, I have no support, what the hell?”

I feel this calling and no way to follow through. So I remember sitting down in the library of my school and I said a prayer and I said, “God, you’ve given me a vision. I sense something, it’s undeniable, you gave me a vision but I have no idea how I’m going to fulfill it.”

I remember saying, I feel like I have literally leaped into an abyss and I’m hanging and I remember saying, “Please God, don’t leave me hanging here because if any of this shit works, all the spiritual stuff, if it works, I need to know now” and days later, I’m in the same library. Someone walks up and gives me a magazine. I see mainly nothing but for me, as I said it’s following the clues. Sometimes the clues come to you very loud, sometimes the clues are gentle whisperings and I felt something. I just felt like, “Huh, I got curious”, it’s like, “Well, what is this? I’ve never read this magazine before and it’s a bit strange” and it was a sense and I just finally flipping through the back o the magazine and American government is giving away 55,000 green cards.

And so for me, it was just feeling, “Ah, this is – this feels like something’s here” and I just followed the clue and I applied and so it wasn’t like this huge leap. It was just, “Let me follow the next step, and let me follow that clue, and let me follow that clue” and before you knew it, I had won, that’s what happened.

These days, the intuition is more refined primarily because over time, through experiences of sometimes not following and then getting my ass kicked by life realizing, “I knew it, that wasn’t worth it” and so it becomes less worth it to not follow, than follow and that’s why I kind of say these days, the deeper I go in my spiritual path, the less choice I feel that I have. The freer I feel.

The more in ego, I was before, the more choice I thought I had but it was really an illusion, the more limited I am because as we evolve, as I’ve evolved, as we evolved, I think there comes a moment where certain things that we used to do. I mean, yeah, we can do them but the energetic spiritual, karmic vibrational consequence of it is no longer worth it.

We can go out with that person, we can drink that thing, we can eat that thing, we can do that thing but the impact on our energy, in our psyche, in our soul, in our spirit ceases to be worth it, you know? And I think that whenever we’re evolving, that next level of life requires a next level of us and certain ways of being, we can’t take certain ways of being to that next level. 

Certain things are going to have to be given up, certain things are going to have to be released and so more and more what I began doing was, I would sense and feel this guidance, and at first, there was a natural tendency to question it. The mind gets engaged and questions and starts hijacking the situation to over-analysis.

And this mechanism of over-analysis is sort of the ego strategy of trying to understand everything because if I can understand everything, then I can control everything and maybe I won’t get hurt again and before you know it, through our sense of trying to understand everything, we talked ourselves out of following this guidance.

And so more and more, what I learned to do is when I would feel this, “Go here, do this, move in this direction” I would just stop questioning. I just stopped questioning. It doesn’t make sense and many times, that intuitive guidance that we take the leap to is not meant to make sense to your mind. 

Because often, it’s arising from a deeper dimension than your conditioned mind and logic and that’s why it’s bigger than your mind’s capacity to understand in a given moment and so when I stopped questioning, it’s like, “I don’t need to know what this means and I don’t need to know where this is going.”

Giving up that need to know is something that set me free and I think, and that is an innocence in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven, you must be like a child. There’s the innocence and so these days people say, “Well, why did you take that leap? Why did you turn left?” “I don’t know.” “Why did you?” “I don’t know.” Just this energy, this intuitive thing is saying go there and I think we often find that afterward.

So more and more, it’s been a cultivation of just following, following, following, following, following, and then, “Oh, now I understand” 10 years later, three years later, two years later, a year later, “Why I needed to take that leap” but it didn’t make sense at the time.
[0:33:42.7] LW: Did you see the movie, The Game, with Michael Douglas?

[0:33:44.9] KB: I did, a long time ago.

[0:33:46.5] LW: Yeah, directed by David Fincher. It’s one of my favorite movies, even to this day, and for those of you who haven’t seen it, the plot is, he signs up for this game. His brother actually signs him up for this game but then it looks like he didn’t really get signed up for it and his life starts to become this great adventure, where he’s getting chased, he’s getting shot at, he’s in the back of a cab and the cab dives off into the water and he’s got it like, he’s got to survive that and he wakes up in Mexico in a coffin and it’s like all these crazy stuff and he’s convinced that these people are trying to kill him. 

It started off as a game but now it’s something more serious and it culminates with him basically at the end of the movie, feeling like his only choice was to commit suicide. So he jumps off this building and then he lands into his own birthday party and he realizes that that was the actual game and in hearing your story, and zooming out a little bit, I’m just curious, how you think about this idea of destiny. 

Are these things already sort of predetermined for us? Can we miss out on hitting one of those way stations along our path? What does it feel like when we’re engaged? What does it feel like when we’re disengaged? For the people listening, I have my own ideas but I’m curious.

[0:35:06.1] KB: Man, that’s a difficult challenging question. What I will say, just to start seeing how I can answer it from different angles is I think we live in a world, I think of infinitely valid but simultaneously contradictory realities, inherent in the nature of life. So if we say, “Well, is it this or is it that? Is it that or is it this?” I would say it’s not this or that, it’s the and. 

It’s the sort of multilayer ingredient of the and that’s in between. Is it destiny? Is it free will? It’s both and that paradox is I think the ability to live in that paradox that is the real freedom, the real freedom. On some level, I would say yeah, you can never miss your true soul’s destiny. You cannot fuck up God’s plan for your life, you’re just not that powerful. There is an intelligence that we are, that you are, that we are all being lived. 

Life itself is a one-man, one-being, one-woman show. Consciousness is manifesting as the multiplicity of form as all existence and you could say life itself is the play of consciousness. Life itself is the play of this intelligence, infinite intelligence that is the divine playing itself as you, me, and all characters and so it misses its own destiny from that deeper sense when it’s just seeking to experience different flavors and shades and aspects of itself. 

How could it miss its own destiny when it is the only thing that is here? And I think when we die or when we wake up, we come to that deeper realization of like when I take my mask off and you take your mask off and your ex takes her mask off, then my ex takes – everybody takes their mask off and we realize, “It’s a one freaking person show” and it was all, you know, it was all freaking perfect. 

It’s like, “Wow, thank you for breaking my heart. Thank you for not committing to me and forcing me to leave and even though I thought I was bad for cheating on you but on a deeper dimension of this game I’m playing that is life, everything needed to be exactly what it was in order to help us evolve and life to experience what it needed to experience” and to me, that sort of bigger level, bigger lens, you know? 

So on one level, everything is perfect, everything is exactly as it is. You can’t miss it and I think when you trust that, that life is doing itself, it frees you up in a certain sense to just be and to just live. Now, that’s also not simultaneously an excuse to go, “Well, everything is perfect. So I am going to jump off the cliff. Everything is perfect so I am not going to go exercise. Everything is perfect so I am going to just beat up my child.” 

You know, that is simultaneously not an excuse and then saying everything is perfect. So I am not going to put in the effort that I need to put in to launch my book and be amazing and build my career. It’s just it all is what it is, you can’t miss your destiny so I am just going to sit here. No, it might require cooperation and participation in the process of this realm of duality and so everything is exactly as it’s meant to be and, I think that’s the freedom. It’s in the and not the either/or. 

We talk about free will to a degree, so that’s the sort of spiritual context, inside of that to the degree I would say, people talk about free will. “Oh, free will, free will, free will.” If you look, I include myself in this, if we look at some of the relationships that we have had with romantic partners a decade ago, five years ago, and I would say, “You chose that?” You say, “Yeah, what the hell was I thinking?” 

But you’re like, “If we were free, truly free, why would we choose some of the partners in this situation” Because in many ways, the degree to which I would say we are conditioned, beliefs, programs, childhood wounds, sort of unconscious patterns, the degree to which we’re conditioned is the degree to which we’re not free, truly free to respond to the moment because often from our conditioning, we’re in the moment but in the past. 

In the moment, reacting to the moment from the past and from that past conditioning, recreating the same experiences over and over and over again. We’re not free, so the degree to which we’re conditioned is a degree to which we’re really not free to choose our response and action, in the moment. So on one level, I think to truly experience the dimension of freedom, we have to do the mental, emotional, spiritual, and psychological therapeutic work to be able to free up the layers and patterns of our conditioning. So that we can tap into a deeper dimension of our intelligence and awareness so that we’re able to see more clearly not just through the lens of our ego programming, see more clearly so that there is access to a wider range in the possibility of choice and I think the more we’re able to do that rather than just choosing that person that is exactly like your mom, choosing that person that is exactly like your dad and not able to see it and feeling sort of irresistibly unconsciously attracted to the same dynamic over and over again. 

As you heal and transform and free up those patterns, in a word, you’re able to go, “Wait a second, oh, I’m about – wait a second” and actually kind of navigate certain relationships and situations from greater awareness and so in that sense, our choice kind of expands. I do feel and again, I can’t prove this but I do feel that we incarnate into this human experience in order to learn, to grow, to evolve, and I do feel as though we incarnate as energy, as consciousness, as souls into this human experience, that kind of life is sort of a university for our soul’s evolution and everything is our teacher, and life, as I talk about, is a game. 

Life is a game, life is an energetic matrix of mirrors that shows you, reflects to you, yourself, and who you are being through the reflection of experiences. We get to see ourselves as the reflection of a relationship. We get to see ourselves and evolve. 

I think in that sense, life is about our growth. Life is about our evolution and so I think to some degree, we incarnate into a family system as an example, parents, mom, dad, and there is a certain energetic karmic blueprint that’s already preset. That is a momentum that has been already emotion from generation, the stuff that my grandparents did and my parents did and my dad did and ancestors did. 

That energy is also I think some of those things that were not resolved and patterns and dysfunctions that they’ll get completed is an energy stream that runs down to the generations to follow and so now, we are born into that to a degree and that begins to shape us. Now, does that have to degree we’re unconscious that will control us and our destiny, and if we keep moving in that energetic momentum, then you could say our destiny is kind of set based on the flow and trajectory of the karmic energy that is even before us. 

Now, we’re just going to flow into that but as we start becoming more conscious through our meditation practice, through our inner practice, we start waking up. We start transcending the ego, limitation, and conditioning. We start resolving those patternings, we start transcending those limitations, we begin to free ourselves you could say, from that energetic momentum and I think in that sense, there is the possibility to shift that energy. 

There is the possibility to like shift that energy so that we can transcend it and it doesn’t have to be passed on to the next generations and then from that place, we can begin to participate and create a different experience for ourselves and life and to me, it’s energy and so in that sense, I don’t know if I would call it free will. I might call it freeing up energy because many times like I felt this in my younger years. 

Like maybe some folks would resonate like if you’ve ever felt like you are acting out sometimes that doesn’t belong to you. You’re acting out certain addictive tendencies, you know? That’s like, “I’m doing this alcohol thing, this sexual thing but it doesn’t even feel like it’s mine” and so many, many times I think we’re acting out certain generational patterns that aren’t even ours and so we’re not free. 

We’re truly not free but we can shift that. We can shift that for sure. Can anybody be anything in that sense? If we talk about free will, could I be Lewis Hamilton if I have free will and Kobe Bryant?” I do think that every soul has a curriculum. Every soul has certain invitations and lessons that they are here to explore in the game that is life and that doesn’t mean we can’t take other classes. 

But I think that Mandela’s curriculum is different than my curriculum. Elon Musk’s curriculum is different than your curriculum. You know, Kobe Bryant’s different and I think when we free ourselves up of egoic patterns, conditioning, we tap into that deeper dimension of soul or spirit, of unconditioned consciousness, and I think from that place, we’re no longer limited and from that place, we can begin to tune into the path that is most aligned for us in this incarnation. 

So rather than me trying to be Steph Curry or me trying to be Light Watkins, “Oh, I could feel my truth. I could feel my essence, I could feel my unique expression of what consciousness is seeking to experience and manifest through me in this incarnation and follow that flavor and give that and be the best version of myself in my classroom.” So anyway, those are some thoughts. Does that make sense? 

[0:46:33.9] LW: That makes sense to me because I’m familiar with a lot of the language you used but let’s say you identify as a regular person, you have a regular job, you have a family, you have a lot of responsibilities, and you don’t feel quite like how you live your life is authentic to who you are. What would be a very practical sort of series of next steps? Should somebody get a coach, should they find a mentor? 

Should they go to India, or should they walk this trail? How do they find – because you know I think it's hard to know what you don’t know, it’s hard to see your blind spots, and you could be getting in your way in all kinds of ways – 

[0:47:14.2] KB: I think in many ways, we are getting in our way but we don’t see it because the eyeball can’t see itself and often, we’re so locked into ego, that perceived sense of what we believe ourselves to be based on past experiences and our belief system and the ego’s job is to protect you from getting hurt and the ego’s job is to reinforce its identity and existence so it holds on. 

So we often don’t want to change because change, as painful as maybe what we’re living is, change for the ego, our sense of what we believe ourselves to be, feels scary. It feels like a death and so we hold onto the sense of belief systems and ideals because it tends to be more comfortable. “At least I know who I am, who I think I am. At least I know the level of my suffering but if I change and if I question myself, if I stop meditating and transform, I don’t know what will happen but at least I know what is right now.” That’s why I think change can feel a bit hard. 

So where can people start? This is often what I tell people, I don’t know if we talked about this in the first interview but a simple place for anyone to start I think is just starting with the truth. That’s what I would say, you just start with the truth. To me, you don’t have to be spiritual but truth is real spirituality. Truth is real yoga, truth is real meditation, the truth. 

We’re constantly lying to ourselves out of self-protection, self-preservation, and keeping face. We’re taught to lie to ourselves as children to just function and survive. “I feel okay, I feel fine.” We betray ourselves trying to be who we think we need to be, to get a lot of validation and approval. So if we can just start with the truth and this is just survival. So if we can just start with the truth. 

[0:49:15.5] LW: How does that look though? Are you staring at yourself in the mirror and you start – 

[0:49:21.2] KB: Like “I’m not happy, I’m miserable. I’m not happy, I hate my job.” It’s freaking scary to say, “I hate my job” because what does that mean now? So often, we don’t tell ourselves the truth because we’re afraid of the consequence. So I would say, create daily space in your life to sit still, to breathe, and to start listening to the deeper truth that’s inside you. Many times, we busy ourselves.

We run here, run it, sometimes we busy ourselves not even sure what we’re doing and why we’re running and where we’re running to but I think there was this innate egoic feel of being still because if we’re afraid if we be still, we might dissolve. We’re afraid if I’m really still, I might actually hate and listen to and catch the vision of the truth that I actually sense is there and because I’m afraid, I might actually listen to the truth that’s there and I’m afraid of the truth that’s there. 

If I am running around, then I don’t actually have to listen to the truth that I sense is there that I’m a little afraid of, so let me keep myself busy. Let me do another thing, let me read another book, let me go on another date, let me have another drink, let me go out, let me just busy myself. So I would just say, just start. If you’re in a moment in your life you’re like, “But I’m frustrated!” Stop. 

Commit to taking an hour a day. Okay, maybe that’s too much but if you’re really in pain and it’s so painful, maybe you can’t afford not to take the time. So take half an hour a day out of the Tik-Tok business and sit, breathe, and listen. Journal, sit, and ask yourself, “What lies am I telling myself? What lies am I telling myself?” and start writing, start getting real. Deep down, we know, we pretend to not know. 

“I’m confused, I don’t know. I don’t know what my purpose is. I don’t know if this relationship is right for me.” We know, we know. How many times I’ve been guilty of this, if you’ve been in a relationship, we’ve been in a relationship, when I say you, I’m talking to everyone listening, and you met the person. Something said, “Something’s off” and you went into the relationship and then you went, “Well, should I stay, should I go? I’m not sure, something’s not…” and you would speak to your friends about it.  But the moment you broke up, you told your friend, “I just had a feeling that wasn’t going to work.” We know, “I’m not sure what my purpose is, I don’t know. I don’t know.” We have a sense. If someone put a gun to our head or a gun to our child’s head, we would know. We have a sense of what our purpose is but sometimes, it’s easier to stay in the smoke screen of confusion. “I don’t know, I’m confused.” 

Because if I am always confused, I don’t have to take the next step. I don’t have to pursue my purpose and if I don’t have to pursue my purpose, I can always live in the future fantasy of the possibility in the future of living my purpose and never risk really going for it and risking potential failure and so start with the truth. What lies am I telling myself? Maybe you’re in a relationship, “I’m not in love” — scary. 

“I’m terrified, I’m not in love” and I would say take the pressure off of yourself of having to take any action. You don’t have to break up, you don’t have to act because sometimes the fear of the consequences is what blocks out deep intuition, knowing, guidance, and courage to take the leap. Just acknowledge the truth, “I’m not in love, I’m terrified” feel that, “I’m scared” feel that. You don’t have to break up, just feel. 

Start getting into a relationship with what’s there because that begins a process and you don’t have to put pressure on any time limit but just get into a relationship with the truth. “I hate my job” feel that. “I have an alcohol problem” feel that. That’s the beginning of surrender, that’s the beginning of transformation, and many times we feel pain. We feel the frustration, we feel the lack of energy but we feel pain. 

Pain might manifest as depression, lack of aliveness, or lack of energy but to me, pain is a signal. Maybe physical, a temporary physical ailment, backache, shoulder ache, or maybe an ongoing disease. To me, pain is feedback, pain is a gift. Pain is a mirror, pain is your friend. Pain is simply showing you because it’s your unconscious communicating. It is showing you that there is some part of you that may not be probably isn’t in your integrity. 

Yet, what we tend to do in our culture as you know, is we distract ourselves. We drink it away, smoke it away, we drink. So if you’re serious, you eliminate the distractions. Carve out that time, an hour, 45 minutes, half an hour every day, no distractions, breathe, sit, and feel your body. Sense your body, tune in, your body will give you clues. Journal, write and see what comes out if you are free from that and just start owning the truth. 

[0:54:50.2] LW: You are famous for facilitating an extreme version of this in places like India and Bali and you’ve been doing this for years now. I know you don’t like to talk a lot about what the experience is like, you want people to kind of – it’s like they move the game. If you want people to say, “No” they’re going to get to. 

[0:55:10.7] KB: Hero’s journey. 

[0:55:11.7] LW: But just talk about what you’ve seen in terms of people coming out of the other side of that. Maybe give like little synopses of what it is that you’re inviting people to do in Boundless Bliss Bali and then what you’ve seen in terms of them coming out on the other side of that after 12 days of complete surrender. 

[0:55:30.3] KB: It’s a unique 12 days because it’s not an informational process. What I do, so it’s a 12-day experiential seminar without walls, where I use Bali as the backdrop, and I create a process that is designed to through certain processes I set up, which I can’t talk about but through certain exercises, processes, a game-like experience, facilitating people all the way through that is designed to expose what’s inside. 

It’s designed to expose where you’re holding on, it’s designed to expose your relationship with life, with the universe, with God, with yourself. It’s designed to show you where things are not complete and through that, I step-by-step help people move through and heal and let go and so yeah, it is a journey of going into the unknown and in the unknown, facing yourself, facing your demons, facing your fears. 

It’s a journey of becoming conscious and aware of the things that you weren’t even conscious and aware of so that you can deal with that so that you can come back into the world from a much more expanded place, free place, and from that expanded awareness, tap into more of your potential to be more available to allow life to use you and serve through you and manifest through you so that you can give your gifts to the world. 

So it’s really, we go in to go out, let’s put it that way, and many times, you know we talk about freedom. We think we’re free but we’re only free to the degree to which we’re conditioned but we think we’re free but the moment you take away someone’s iPhone and someone’s routine and someone’s fashion and someone’s makeup and someone’s hairstyle and someone’s – you know, there’s all of these habits that we have and routines that we have that we don’t realize is sort of plopping up our sense of self. 

That our sense of identity and our sense of confidence is based on, “I’m confident if I can put on my makeup, put on my cologne, do this, do this, do that, do that, do that. If I do this 700th thing, then I’m me” but if your sense of self is dependent on all those things, you’re just a slave because all of those things can come and go. All of those things, they’re transitory and so to me, that is not true freedom. 

True freedom is being connected to the deeper dimension of yourself that is free, that is infinite, that is not dependent on the constantly changing world out here and so what I do in my experiences and processes is I take away a lot of those things that we tend to hold onto for a sense of me-ness and when all of those things have been taken away, the version of yourself that you thought you were that is reinforced by all those things begins to die. 

Then it forces you to find out, “Well if I am not that and I am not that and I’m not that and then who am I and what is real?” What is real? And that’s I think when a deeper power from the inside emerges you know, right? I look at Mandela, you know 27 years bro, in prison. That shit is real, man, 27 years in prison I think would make you think about some things and he was in prison physically. 

But I think through that process, he was in prison but he wasn’t free and many of us, we are free in the world but we’re in prison in the world within ourselves and so part of my intention is through my work and through my processes and it’s hard to explain because we kind of have to go through it and experience it. 

[0:59:49.0] LW: Right. 

[0:59:51.0] KB: And go through the processes I put people through is really designed to help free people of conditioning but also those places that they’re depending on life being a certain way to be free. 

[1:00:03.4] LW: We have a mutual friend who actually wrote about – he didn’t write in detail about going through your program and he didn’t write about you by name but knowing you and knowing him, I put two and two together and he now calls himself the Kindness Guy and he ended up doing this thing where he decided to circumnavigate the globe on the kindness of strangers with no money. 

He had to find somebody every day to put gas in his little motorcycle that he’s driving and to put him up at night and to feed him and the whole thing took six months and to me, that was like the embodiment of what I am hearing you talk about, which is you have to really step outside of yourself, your preferences, your need to control your experience, and just really surrender. That’s what he was really embodying was this idea of complete surrender. 

Complete allowing, complete trust, complete faith, and when people talk about this you know, who are you really, that’s who you are. Your most authentic expression of yourself is someone who is just trusting in your life experience but we don’t appreciate how much stripping away of the layers it takes to get there, which is why inner work is so important, you know? It’s not like you can just do inner work for a couple of weeks and get there. 

You know, people say, “Get on social media” or “I’m healed now, you know I read a few self-help books. Now I’m healed.” It’s like no, you have – like you said, it’s an experiential journey. You have to and if you don’t create it, life will create it for you. 

[1:01:37.6] KB: Well, sure. 

[1:01:38.3] LW: That’s what the rock bottom moment is. The rock bottom moment is essentially you get to see who you truly are beyond all the stuff you think you needed in order to be this person in the world. 

[1:01:50.0] KB: Absolutely, man. Absolutely, yeah, you can’t just watch a few TikTok videos and call that the work, you know? “I did my work for the year.” Life is the work, man, life is the process, life is the ceremony, life is the teacher. 

[1:02:06.6] LW: I don’t even know if you get to a point where you’re completely healed, you know? Like people say that too, like they boast about how they’re healed and that you should be someone who’s healed. It’s like the person you’re attracted to is specifically encoded to trigger the parts of you that are not healed, so you get to have that university class with that person for however long it lasts. 

Maybe it lasts for a lifetime, maybe it only lasts for a few years or a couple of months but it doesn’t mean that that was a waste of time because you fought at the end and essentially you found out what your sore spots were spiritually and emotionally and you know, that’s just if you didn’t work it out with them, you would have attracted someone else with your life to work that out with. 

So it’s a constant process, so that’s what I love about your work, and what I’m hearing you say is that the journey itself is the destination and instead of trying to rush through it, try to get present to it. Being present to it will help you move through those lessons a lot more efficiently than trying to rush through it and get to the end of the class. 

[1:03:13.7] KB: Yeah, absolutely man. 

[1:03:16.2] LW: So you’re still doing these experiences how often? 

[1:03:20.1] KB: I don’t do the India journeys anymore but 2023 is the last year, July and December, the last year I’m doing the Bali journeys. Just life, evolution, creating different events, and so this is the final year. This is like I’ve done 20, as of speaking now, I’ve done 20 of these events and they’re crazy. They’re radical, they’re amazing, inspiring, and so this is the final year. I’m doing this particular Bali event and we’ll going to cap it at ’22. 

[1:03:50.5] LW: After you’re done, are you going to write a book about it or how are you going to memorialize this experience? 

[1:03:59.2] KB: I don’t know if I will, we’ll see, you know? I’m seeing with what my next book and will I write a book about it? I don’t know, I’m not sure. If the spirit guides me, then yes but at this moment, I don’t feel. I might incorporate some stories into that but I am designing different seminars and events right now that are more accessible to the mass, where I’m going to be putting my best stuff into three days, four days, events that can still produce the same effect without going to Bali and opening it up to more people. 

[1:04:33.1] LW: Tell us where people can find your work. I know you’re prolific on your socials, which ones should we go to? 

[1:04:40.6] KB: A couple of things. Yeah, the book, The Magic of Surrender, Instagram, Kute Blackson, say hi. What else? Facebook, Kute Love Now, say hi. 

[1:04:49.8] LW: Are you on Facebook much these days? 

[1:04:51.8] KB: Sometimes, sometimes I pop on there but we post on there, so Kute Love Now. Soul Talk, my podcast, which we just did a beautiful interview that’s going to be up soon as well if it’s not up already, and if people, depending on people listen to this if you feel the calling to dive deep,, July the 28th and then one in December the 5th of 2023, we go deep. 

[1:05:19.1] LW: That’s 12 days, right? 

[1:05:21.3] KB: 12 days, 12 days. 

[1:05:23.0] LW: Awesome, man. Well, we’re going to run this next week. So hopefully we’ll get a couple of people on there. 

[1:05:28.8] KB: Awesome. Awesome, I appreciate you. 

[1:05:30.9] LW: Yeah man, absolutely. The last thing, give us a parting thought to resonate, to marinate on throughout the rest of our day. What are you thinking about? What are you curious about these days in terms of your work or in terms of the world or things like that? 

[1:05:50.8] KB: I mean, personally, I’m curious, you know, I am going into this whole separate conversation but building as an entrepreneur and grounding certain things in economics, making money, making an impact. So that’s something that I am really looking into now in terms of building, you know, in a building phase. So that’s a new adventure but one thing, for me, what I’ve observed for myself, life unfolds, man. 

These last few years of my life, I have seen life unfold in ways that I couldn’t have planned, in ways that I did not make happen with my personal power, and as I see life happening, happening, happening, and when I just witness it and observe it, the best things in my life that have happened over the last few years, I, as an individual Kute self, I didn’t make it happen, man. 

I didn’t do it. I’m not saying there’s not a bunch of things I didn’t, you know, in the last 20, 30 years that energetically did not contribute but the way I’ve seen things unfold from meeting my wife, from having a kid, from the timing of so many things is just grace and so if anything more and more, I’m endeavoring to get myself out of the way and allow flow that is life to do its thing and you know, if I were to encourage anyone, is that, trust life. 

Trust life, it has an intelligence, and the more we can bring ourselves into a relationship with that, which we are, I think that’s where the miracles happen, you know? Beyond what we could have planned for ourselves and so, yeah, I’m curious and excited and inspired to go deeper and deeper into that. You know deeper and deeper into that and see what happens, you know? What happens when I just open my arms and just, “Okay, trust” and so that’s the yoga, that’s the explanation. 

[1:08:10.8] LW: Beautiful. Thank you, man, I appreciate you. I want to acknowledge you for all the goodness you’re putting out into the world in all ways and I’m happy to be able to call you a friend. 

[1:08:20.8] KB: I appreciate you, man, I appreciate you a lot. 


[1:08:23.4] LW: Thank you so much for listening to my interview with Kute Blackson. For more inspiration, you can follow Kute @kuteblackson on the socials, that’s K-U-T-E-B-L-A-C-K-S-O-N and you can find his books, The Magic of Surrender and You Are The One, which are both excellent, everywhere books are sold and of course, I’ll put links to everything that Kute and I discussed in the show notes on my website, which is and if this is your first time listening to The Light Watkins Show, you may not know that we have an incredible archive of past interviews with other luminaries, who share how they found their path and their purpose. 

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That goes a long way, thank you in advance for doing that and I look forward to hopefully seeing you back here next week with another story about someone just like me, just like you, taking that leap of faith in the direction of their purpose and until then, keep trusting your intuition, keep following your heart, and keep taking those leaps of faith and if no one’s told you recently that they believe in you, I believe in you. 

Thank you so much, sending you lots of love, have a great day.